
Creating Your First Email Address

Creating your first email address with OnePoundEmail is straightforward. This guide will take you through each step in a simple and easy-to-follow manner, ensuring you're set up and ready to send emails in no time!

Step 1: Log in to the DirectAdmin Control Panel

The first thing you need to do is log in to your DirectAdmin control panel. You should have received your login credentials in your welcome email.

Step 2: Navigate to the E-Mail Section

Once you're logged in, look for the "E-Mail" section in the control panel. This is where you manage all your email accounts. Click on "E-Mail Accounts" to proceed.

Step 3: Click the "Create Account" Button

In the E-Mail Accounts section, you'll see a button labeled "Create Account". Click this button to start the process of creating your new email address.

Step 4: Enter Your Account Details

Now it's time to enter the details for your new email account. You will need to provide:

  • Username: This will be the part of the email address before the "@" symbol. For example, if your domain is and you want the address to be, then your username would be john.
  • Password: You'll need to create a password for your new email account. Choose a secure password that you'll remember, or use the password generator in DirectAdmin to create a strong password for you.
  • Email Quota: This is the amount of storage space the email account will be allowed to use. You can set a quota based on your plan's available storage.

Step 5: Click "Create Account"

Once you've filled in the necessary information, click the "Create Account" button to complete the process.

Congratulations, you've just created your first email account!

Step 6: Accessing Your Mail

After creating your email account, you can access it in several ways. You can use any popular email client, such as Outlook, Thunderbird, or the Gmail app on mobile devices. Alternatively, you can access your mail directly via the OnePoundEmail Webmail interface.

Now that you’ve successfully created your first email address, you can easily manage additional accounts for your domains.

If you need further assistance or want to explore advanced features, check out our other Knowledgebase articles.

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